Catalyst Pro

Catalyst Pro is a Windows software package released in 2001. It was designed for use with Andover Controls devices but also integrates BACnet, LonWorks, ModBus and OPC devices in to a single user interface. 

It is no longer updated, but is still supported and still available for purchase. Please contact us for more information or download the trial version below.

Catalyst Pro Overview

Catalyst Pro is an advanced front-end to building automation and process control systems. Features include Graphic Displays, Schedules, Trend Logs, Alarms and Scripting for custom functions.

(Click images to enlarge)

Graphic display designer allows virtually unlimited creativity and functionality. Built-in Visual Basic Scripting allows for virtually unlimited customization.

The graphic designer includes a full range of customizable meters, gauges, buttons and dials. Virtual controls can be attached directly to OPC servers.

Both Andover Controls and BACnet schedules can be edited.

View and store trend data from Andover Controls or BACnet devices.

Drag-and-drop creation of simple or complex graphic displays.

Trial Version

This is the trial version  of Catalyst Pro 1.80. It installs to your hard drive. Once installed, it will initiate a 30-day evaluation mode. If you have an expired trial version already installed, please contact us for an evaluation reset code.

Download Catalyst Pro v1.80 

Installation instructions

The default username is “Master” and the default password is also “Master”.

Note: There is a quick-start tutorial included in the help file. Select “Help” from the Help menu to read it. It will walk you through setting up a Site and creating a simple graphic display. If you do not have access to an Andover Continuum/Infinity or AC256/AC8, select “Offline Edit” from the Site|More menu instead of “Connect”. This will simulate a connection to a panel.

Example Scripts

Below are some utility files and Catalyst Pro forms that demonstrate various script commands or functions. Forms should generally be copied in to a sites ‘Displays’ or ‘Forms’ folder. You must then reconnect to the site for it to show up in the forms database. Alternately, they can be copied to the \Catalyst\Forms folder and a button added to the toolbar that runs it.

These files are for demonstration/informational purposes only. Since some of these files were donated by dealers and end users, we cannot guarantee their operation or usability.

All files have been checked for malicious code and viruses.

Note: Some of these examples will automatically run script code when you open them, sometimes making it difficult to enter edit mode. To keep the script code from executing hold down the “Ctrl” key while opening the form.

Text Files/Code Snippets

DelphiScript – A text file listing the differences between DelphiScript and Delphi 5.
SetInfinityTime – (Andover Only) DelphiScript example of setting the time on an Infinity panel with a script command.

Visual Basic Scripting Examples

AutoReport – (Andover only) Connects to multiple sites and prints out reports from each. The script code needs to be edited to add the sites and report commands specific to each site.
PointAccess – Demonstrates reading and writing points via script commands.
VarEditAsObject – (Advanced) Demonstrates using a custom object inspector for setting options.
Recipe – Allows the user to select a “recipe” that modifies a list of points to a set of values. Recipes are stored as text files. A form similar to this was used in a drink manufacturers plant to change the ingredient list.
LogPointChanges – Logs changes to a single point in a text file.
Write Log – Another type of point logger.

DelphiScript Examples

MulitBackup – (Andover only) Allows the user to enter a list of panels and drums/objects to backup then performs the backups automatically.
MultiBackupFixed – (Andover only) Automatically performs multiple backups on a hard-set list of domains/panels. The script code must be edited to set the list of panels to backup.
TermDump – Demonstrates capturing the terminal screen in a script so the lines can be scraped for text strings and values.
Breakout – Written on a lazy Saturday afternoon just to see if it could be done, this game demonstrates…nothing useful, really, and it uses some techniques for speed that are generally not recommended. Requires a decent video card. If it runs slowly, try shutting down other programs. If you get caught playing it at work, you didn’t get it from us.
File Request – (LonWorks) Demonstrates reading file data from LonWorks devices.